I like to be called “Wyoming” online but please call me Denise in real life.
I began January 1, 2012 choosing the opportunity to become more than a SAHM! Each day I strive to be a homemaker who cooks, cleans, gardens, and creates. I am a woman from Los Angeles who moved to Wyoming late in life, met my husband here, and “here” is where we’ve made our life for our 2 children, my Big Boy and Baby. My posts will share with you what I’ve done or trying to accomplish. Like many of you, my family too has overburdened itself with debt and now have a need to sacrifice to get out of debt.
I call my life the “My 365 Days Project”; each day will be a step closer to being debt free, and turning my love of DIY projects into the journey of a lifetime. I write about my life and my projects.
Stay tuned…I’m still learning!
I've had very kind comments from so many people around the world...thank you so much.
In February 2012 I was given the chance to be included in the ABC Award (Awesome Blog Content) game from Four Blue Hills
In March 2012 I was awarded the "Very Inspirational Blogger" by fellow blogger Work the Dream.
Related articles
- The Very Inspiring Blogger Award (workthedream.wordpress.com)
- about Wyomingstorygirl | wyomingstorygirl (fourbluehills.com)